2월, 2020의 게시물 표시

Possibility that China spread the Coronavirus on purpose (conspiracy)

1) There was a trade war between China and US. 2) China had no choice to make deal with US. 3) China had some research results about the SARS virus to prevent the future viruses. - ref 4) Coronavirus is spread from Wuhan in China 5) The main issue of the Coronavirus is the ability to spread not serious symptom. 6) Due to the Coronavirus, economic problems in society are happened in various views. 7) will be continued.. END) USA will suffer from Coronavirus

The reason why the United Future Party cannot mention Shincheonji

With the increase in corona19, there is one word that cannot be found recently in the United Future Party (미래통합당) which is inherited from the Liberty Korea Party (새누리당). It is 'Shincheonji'. There were explosive growth in Shincheonji denominations over the past weekend, but neither the United Future Party nor Hwang Gyo-an's representative or Shim Jae-cheol's in-house representatives mentioned the religion. In addition, it is different from the Democratic Party's discussion of "strong response" to the Sinchonji church. The United Future Party has been attacking the 'Moon Jae-in government's China notice' frame since 'Corona 19'. Hwang Gyo-an, the unification party's representative, told Facebook on April 25, "The most urgent step is to ban entry from China," and "How can we overcome infectious diseases only in Korea without blocking foreign sources?" Mr. Hwang said, “The Wuhan corona crisis is becoming a natio

Spreading Coronavirus by Shincheonji believers in Korea

Shincheonji (신천지) is a weird religion in Korea They are saying that it is "Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony" -  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shincheonji_Church_of_Jesus_the_Temple_of_the_Tabernacle_of_the_Testimony 1) Korea government was doing well in managing Coronavirus. 2) In Daegu, there was a funeral of a brother of the religion leader (Lee Man-hee, 이만희) in Chungdo Hospital. Many of people who were in the funeral, were infected by Coronavirus. 3) From Daegu, many of infected people are mainly increasing. 4) There is a rumor that Shincheonji believers are received messages that they should spread the Coronavirus. There are many news that they revealed their messages. -  https://bit.ly/38YpNAP 5) The Korea government has asked the Shincheonji to get the list of the believers to make them checking whether they have Coronavirus. However, what they got from the Shincheonji has many of mismatching information . - As I heard, there

Korea Coronavirus (COVID-19) Live Updates (Map, Tracking Information)

Current Coronavirus situation in Korea - Main regions: Seoul, Gyeonggi, Busan, Daegu You can get the tracking information of Korea coronavirus using the following URL: -  https://coronamap.site/ -  https://coronamap.live/ If there is any Korean, please use the Chrome translation: