Spreading Coronavirus by Shincheonji believers in Korea

Shincheonji (신천지) is a weird religion in Korea

They are saying that it is "Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony"

1) Korea government was doing well in managing Coronavirus.

2) In Daegu, there was a funeral of a brother of the religion leader (Lee Man-hee, 이만희) in Chungdo Hospital. Many of people who were in the funeral, were infected by Coronavirus.

3) From Daegu, many of infected people are mainly increasing.

4) There is a rumor that Shincheonji believers are received messages that they should spread the Coronavirus. There are many news that they revealed their messages.

5) The Korea government has asked the Shincheonji to get the list of the believers to make them checking whether they have Coronavirus. However, what they got from the Shincheonji has many of mismatching information.
- As I heard, there are many of not mentioned places

6) There is a rumor between 신천지 and 새누리당 (Liberty Korea Party, LKP) which is a political party in Korea.
- From '신'천지 and '새'누리당, the meaning of '신' and '새' is 'new'
- From 신'천지' and 새'누리'당, the meaning of '천지' and '누리' is 'world'
- '당' is 'party'

7) In Korea, the Assembly election will be in 15Apr 2020. In a pre-survey for each party, the LKP is losing. FYI, the LKP had previously have an evil plan by asking the North Korea to do an armed protest called 총풍사건.

8) According to china news, the Shincheonji considered this Coronavirus situation as an opportunity to propagate their religion and worked so hard for the propagation in Wuhan.

9) The Shincheonji believers who got the virus are hiding that they are in Daegu. However, several cases are revealed by investigation.

10) The United Future Party (UFP, 미래통합당) is an inherited one from the above LKP (새누리당).
The following image is comparison between the Shincheonji building and the symbol of the UFP.

11) During 2007-2012, the Shincheonji worked hard to be connected with political people in the Hannara Party (HP, 한나라당). This HP changed thier title to the LKP.

12) The UFP could not say anything to Shincheonji while they are complaining about the entry prohibition of China people.

13) Relationship between the previous presidents, Park Geun-hye and Lee Myung-bak who were in the LKP and the HP, and the leader of the Shincheonji, Lee Man-hee.

x) will be continued.

- 총풍사건: https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%B4%9D%ED%92%8D%EC%82%AC%EA%B1%B4
Mismatching information:
※ Addresses of camouflaged places that Shincheonji did not mention in Daegu and Busan
- Daegu (6 places)
그린존 : 대구광역시 중구 경상감영길 136(성내동) 2층
명문화센터 : 대구광역시 중구 달구벌대로 415길 54(성내동) 3층
신천지센터 : 대구광역시 남구 현충로 100(대명동) 2층
경산센터 빛나는인 : 경상북도 경산시 하양읍 대학로 1517-9(금락리) 3층
경산센터 : 경상북도 경산시 진량읍 대구대로 252-2(내리리) 4층
극단나비 : 대구광역시 남구 중앙대로 31길 205(대명동) 3~4층

- Busan (17 places)
기장센터 : 부산광역시 기장군 기장읍 차성로 436번길 19 3~4층
정관센터 : 부산광역시 기장군 정관읍 정관로 387 8층
부암센터 : 부산광역시 진구 신천대로 167 2층
가람문화센터 : 부산광역시 남구 수영로 200 3층
배움의 터 : 부산광역시 진구 부전로 75-5 2층
행복포럼 : 부산광역시 진구 전포동 전포대로 230-1 3층
리더스 아카데미 : 부산광역시 진구 중앙대로 960-1 3층
나눔문화센터 : 부산광역시 연제구 거제천로 230번길 61 3층
윈즈 : 부산광역시 금정구 금정로 89 2층
스터디룸 채움 : 부산광역시 기장군 정관읍 산단4로 159 2층
서면쉼터 : 부산광역시 진구 새싹로 28번길 27 3층
모임톡 : 부산광역시 진구 서전로 37번길 25-9 예일프라자 3층
더타임 : 부산광역시 진구 신천대로 50번길 70 4층
채움 : 부산광역시 사하구 낙동대로 391-1 2층
복음방 : 김해시 가락로 37번길 5 2층
마루문화센터 : 김해시 함박로 119번길 23 7층
윙스터디룸 : 김해시 우암로 100 3층

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